The Top 10 Healthcare Marketing Blogs in 2017

Healthcare Marketing is an interesting challenge for many doctors. For some they feel that healthcare marketing is something that should be only done via referrals.

Others believe that sources such as medical SEO marketing and medical website marketing is key. Whatever healthcare marketing philosophy you choose, healthcare marketing blogs are a great way to sharpen your knowledge.

Here are ten of the best healthcare marketing blogs to read in 2017:

CMI: Content Marketing Institute

CMI was founded in 2007 by Joe Pulizzi, a leading evangelist for content marketing in it’s early years. Today the Content Marketing Institute creates articles, videos, podcasts, how-to guides and runs annual conferences for those wanting to grow their online influence through content marketing. Learn such valuable strategies as choosing the correct channels and crafting your medical practice story.

Doctor Base

Doctor Base is a valuable marketing and patient engagement software for SMB medical practices. The company blog features valuable information on using platforms such as twitter, SEO marketing, patient referrals and more.

The Go Agency

If you’re looking for nuts and bolts specific articles on different marketing platforms, visit the Go Agency blog. It offers a slew of helpful resources for healthcare marketing. They are ten behind the Healthcare Marketing book, and the Social Marketing Academy podcast on iTunes.

Healthcare Communication News

Healthcare Communications News blog provides a valuable mix of social media marketing tips, PR tips, and healthcare news. It can be a great reference for doctors and practice managers looking for strategies and up to date industry information for their healthcare marketing.

Healthcare Success

Healthcare Success is a full-service healthcare marketing agency. Their clients include hospitals, medical practices, pharmaceuticals, manufacturers, dental and other practices. Their healthcare marketing blog is updated several times a week with tips on everything a doctor needs to know to market a medical practice. A great starting point is their free downloadable report 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Marketing.

Hootsuite Blog

Think of Hootsuite as a tool for automating your social media tasks. While their tools may be a big draw, their blog also has incredible depth and breadth of how-to marketing posts to help you build a social media presence at your medical practice.


The undisputed leaders of content and inbound marketing strategy, Hubspot are both a content marketing software platform provider and a go-to resource for sales and marketing know how. Their blog boasts over 150 pages of marketing posts, and it is updated every single day.


While some of the topics might get a little too technical for the beginner, the Kissmetrics blog is a top resource to visit.  there are plenty of helpful posts and guides to upscale your healthcare marketing knowledge. Check out the their Guide to Online Reputation Management as starting point.

Medical Web Experts Blog

Finding a specific healthcare marketing blog is a rare find, and the Medical Web Experts’ blog definitely has a strong hold on the niche. Read detailed reports on medical content writing, medical website design and many more specific topics.


The Moz blog is another highly respected online marketing blog. They provide huge value to the world of healthcare marketing. The SEO guides provided by Rand Fiskin and his team are well worth watching.  Visit their blog for years of content marketing, digital marketing, and in-depth SEO tips all in one place. A great starting point is their blog article 5 Content Marketing Tips for Healthcare Brands

Smart Bug Media

For more in-depth healthcare marketing, Smart Bug Media’s blog is an excellent source of news and information, all broken down into simple steps and clear takeaways. Once you have the basics of inbound and content marketing, Smart Bug is another step in the healthcare marketing journey.