What is the GT Modifier in Telemedicine Billing?

The best Telemedicine providers are now offering online and mobile solutions for doctors that help them connect seamlessly with their patients.

However the process of billing for Telemedicine is not as seamless as the video chat services might be.

There are many variables including the originating site, the type of telemedicine, the state and location, and the actual CPT or HCPCS billing codes to use.

One important billing requirement is the use of GT or GQ Modifier.

The basic definition is:

  • GQ: Telehealth service rendered via asynchronous telecommunications system
  • GT: Telehealth service rendered via interactive audio and video telecommunications system


When Billing for a telemedicine visit, doctors need to add GT or GQ Modifier to their code

In addition to the right CPT or HCPCS code, you’ll need to use the GT modifier when billing to show that the service was delivered via a telemedicine platform.

The GT Modifier must be appended to all codes so that it is clear that the service is conducted via interactive audio and video telecommunication systems.

Submit claims for Telemedicine services using the appropriate CPT or HCPCS code for the professional service along with the Telemedicine modifier GT. For example, a consultation that is “via interactive audio and video telecommunications systems” would be submitted 99201 GT.

By coding and billing the GT modifier with a covered Telemedicine procedure code, you are certifying that the beneficiary was present at an eligible originating site when you furnished the Telemedicine service.

By coding and billing the GT modifier with a covered ESRD-related service Telemedicine code, you are certifying that you furnished one ‘hands on’ visit per month to examine the vascular access site.

For Federal telemedicine demonstration programs in Alaska or Hawaii, submit claims using the appropriate CPT or HCPCS code along with the Telemedicine modifier GQ if you performed Telemedicine services “via an asynchronous telecommunications system” (For example, 99201 GQ).

For a full list of codes, visit the liveClinic Guide for CPT and HCPCS codes that are used for Telemedicine.